Here is where the story begins.
Sally Ann's Summer tells the story of Marnie Walker's first trip
on the narrowboat, Sally Ann.
It answers all the questions that we have been asked over the
past several years. How did Marnie come to be using her sister’s
boat during the fateful summer that changed the direction of her
life? When did she meet Anne, and how did their friendship
begin? In what mysterious circumstances did she first encounter
Ralph, and why did he later feel so diffident towards her? What
was the origin of the Water Gypsy joke between Marnie and Mrs
Jolly? Who adopted whom, Marnie or Dolly?
The story of Marnie’s introduction to the waterways life is full
of incident and is set against a background as sinister as any
that she encounters in her later life.
Regular readers will not be surprised that the new book contains
a host of lively new characters: the redoubtable Iris
Winterburn, one of the legendary Idle Women, Attila the
skinhead, the threatening Gravel, sexy Sheena, who asks too many
questions for her own good, the charismatic boat captain, Jack
Hadley, and the Hooray Henrys.
Marnie’s first summer as a boatman is never short of incident or
discovery, ending, as always, with an intriguing twist in the
We are sure that Leo McNeir’s loyal and growing readership will
not be disappointed with the story of how it all began.