The Marnie Walker mysteries
Leo McNeir
"intelligent entertainment for the intelligent reader"


Message from Leo 

Hi and welcome to my website. If you’ve visited before, welcome back. 

I’m often asked if the books should be read in a certain order. That is why they are featured in chronological order on this site. Almost. I’ll explain. 

The first book I wrote was ‘Sally Ann’s Summer’, but it ran into problems because it did not fit in strictly with the crime fiction form of the other novels in the Marnie Walker series. Enigma Publishing received questions from readers who pointed out that there were references to previous events in some of the early books. The readers wanted to know what had happened in the past and why. 

The first books published were ‘Getaway with Murder’, ‘Death in Little Venice’ and ‘Kiss and Tell’. Between the appearance of each of these I attempted to rewrite ‘Sally Ann’s Summer’. I had to write that story four times before I was satisfied with it. That is no exaggeration. It was only with the inclusion of Sexy Sheena – who asked too many questions – and references to the criminal underworld that the story finally took on a satisfactory form in relation to the other books.

My answer to the question of whether the books should be read in a certain order is now clear. I would advise starting with ‘Sally Ann’s Summer’ and then, if you like the characters and the environment, continue with ‘Getaway with Murder’ and so on. 

How successful the outcome was, is for you the reader to judge. Whatever you decide, I wish you as always, 

Happy reading!